The Sustainably Wise Resource Center
Using the Resource Center
(Please read this first to understand how it is arranged or works particularly if you
would like to add or post additional articles, videos or other information.)
The Resource Center is where you will find general information, articles, resource materials or whatever arranged by topic and sub-topic area for your ease of discovery and use. While we have collected, contributed and continue to add files ourselves that we think are among the most interesting and important we invite you to add files as well. In time this should thus grow into becoming a huge archive of incredibly helpful and useful information. However, if you are interested in helping us shift to a more sustainable world please check out the Learning Center as well. That is where you will find the most essential information for helping to achieve each of the SDGs arranged according to whichever stakeholder group you happen to be a part of or interested in.
Here is how you can add or post articles, videos or other materials to the Resource Center:
In order to add things you will need to be registered and sign in first. If you abuse this privilege by adding things that are inappropriate or off-topic etc then your membership will be reviewed, you will receive a warning and/or your account will be discontinued.
The topics and sub-topics in the Resource Center have been arranged according to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and Targets - though additional topics, sub-topics, and sub-sub-topics have been included as well. This should help us all to become more familiar with the goals and make it easier for you to find things that are pertinent to whichever Goals or issue areas you are interested in or focusing on. You can click on the topic and sub-topic areas in the list included below, use the drop down menu in the menu bar at the topic of each page, or just scroll and browse from one page to the next within the Resource Center itself. At the top of each page we will also include the name of the Goal, Topic and Sub-topic area that you are in thus making it easier to find related material of interest, to look for similar topic areas, and/or to relocate materials you have seen before etc.
Articles and materials that address more than one Topic Area can both be posted and found in multiple places thus under additional topic areas; and some of our topic and sub-topic areas are actually set up to address multiple topic areas in an integrated manner.
We will also be developing and including a rating system so that you and all of the other users can indicate which articles you think are the most relevant, important, interesting, or helpful, etc. You will be able to set the rating and sorting system by various parameters including the date of posting, highest rated, location of the subject matter (where the activity took place), additional topics addressed in the article, etc.
You do not have to rate articles that you read or watch; but if you post them you do have to add the date, place, and your thoughts as to its importance. Please try to be as helpful as possible when you make use of the Resource Center as it is meant to make it easy for all of us to find the information that might be the most helpful and useful as we work together to try to create a more sustainable world and grow more sustainably wise together.
Reducing Poverty: SDG 1
Social protection systems
Access to basic services
Ownership and control of land & natural resources
Inheritance policies
Appropriate new technologies
Financial services
Vulnerability to climate-related and other shocks and disasters
Mobilization of resources to end poverty
Rural poverty
Sustainable lifestyles and practices in rural communities
Good jobs & right livelihood opportunities in rural areas
Agriculture and Hunger: SDG 2
Land and Soil Health
Organic Agriculture
Ending Hunger
Ending malnutrition
Doubling agricultural productivity
Subsistence farming
Increasing incomes of small scale farmers
Access to land and other productive resources
Healthy diet
Animal welfare
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
Non-farm employment
Agricultural related jobs
Genetic diversity and heirloom plants: traditional knowledge and farming practices
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Pesticides and herbicides
Investment in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services
Agriculture subsidies and agricultural policies
Trade restrictions and distortions in agricultural markets
Access to market information
Reducing food waste and loss
EcoSystem Degradation
Dropping water tables
Soil loss
Disruption of natural water cycles
Growing impact of invasive species
Healthcare and Well-being: SDG 3
Infant and maternal mortality
Ending epidemics of Non-Communicable Diseases
End epidemics of tropical, water-borne and communicable diseases
Substance abuse
Reducing deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents
Sexual and reproductive health-care services
Population control
Providing universal health coverage
Hazardous chemicals
Air, water and soil pollution
Access to medicines and healthcare in the developing world
Price of drugs, medicines, emergency care and hospitals
Invasive medicine
Ending harmful medical and cultural practices
Early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks
Diet & health
Holistic and preventative health and medicine
Tobacco use and smoking
Psychiatric health
Creating healthy interpersonal relationships
NonViolent Conflict Resolution
Education and Education for Sustainable Development: SDG 4
Universal access to primary and secondary education
Early childhood care and education
Technical, vocational and college education
Skill development for employment and entrepreneurship
Equal access to education and vocational training for all
persons with disabilities
indigenous peoples
ethnic and minority populations
children in vulnerable situations
Education for Sustainable Development and lifestyles
Teacher Education and Training Programs
Curriculum development
Greening Schools
World’s Largest Lesson
Human rights education
Education re gender equality
Education for peace and non-violence
Global citizenship education
Appreciation of cultural diversity
Inclusive and safe education facilities
Scholarship programs
Teacher Training Programs
Curriculum development
Gender Equality and Female Empowerment: SDG 5
Gender discrimination
Eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls
Trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation
Public services and social protection policies for domestic workers
Valuing unpaid care and domestic work
Sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
Women’s ownership and control of land and other resources
Equality in Government Representation and Decision Making
Equal pay for equal work
Water and Sanitation: SDG 6
Water resources management
The role of local communities in water and sanitation management
Water Retention Landscaping
Dropping water tables
Salt water intrusion
Ending water, land and air pollution
Biological Waste Water Treatment
Ending open defecation
Improving sanitary hygiene
Composting toilets
Preventing and ending water scarcity
Providing access to clean water
Water use efficiency and conservation
Water harvesting and desalination
Reuse and Grey Water Systems
Sustainable Energy: SDG 7
Energy Conservation and Efficiency
Renewable Energy
Concentrated Solar
Biological Energy
Novel means of energy production
Batteries and storage systems
Clean energy research and technology
Passive Solar/Green Buildings
Grid Connections
Investment in energy infrastructure
Financing and Green Bonds
Bikes and pedal power
Boats and shipping
Air travel and transport
Sustainable economic growth, full & productive employment, and decent work for all: SDG 8
Job creation and entrepreneurship: micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
Decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation
Resource efficiency in consumption and production
The role of media and advertising in driving consumerism
Corporate Responsibility
Full employment and decent work for all
Youth employment
Persons with disabilities
Equal pay for work of equal value
Eradicate forced labour
End modern slavery and human trafficking
Eliminate child labour
Protecting labour rights
Creating safe and secure working environments
Sustainable tourism that creates jobs
Promoting local culture and products
Providing access to banking, insurance and financial services for all
Supporting Aid for Trade
Resilient Infrastructure and Sustainable Industrialization: SDG 9
Supporting sustainable industrial development in the developing world
Small-scale industrial development and financial services
Adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes
Enhancing scientific research and invest in research and development
Upgrade technological capabilities
Providing universal access to information and communications technology
Public transportation systems
Reducing inequality within and among countries : SDG 10
Promoting social, economic and political inclusion for all
Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities
Protecting human rights
Rights of Children and Youth
Fiscal, wage and social protection policies
Regulation and monitoring of global financial markets and institutions
Tax policies
New and innovative means of finance
Increasing the role of developing countries in global economic and financial decision-making
Migration policies and situations
Trade, Globalization and WTO agreements and laws
Official development assistance and financial flows
Public Private Partnerships and Foreign direct investment
Transaction costs for migrant remittances
Foreign exchange and currency transactions
Small Island Developing States
Least Developed Countries
Landlocked States
Indigenous Peoples
Cities and Human Settlements: SDG 11
Safe and affordable housing
Basic and public services
Natural and green building
Networks and Standards
Green Builders and Architects
Building Codes
Zoning Regulations
Safe and affordable transport systems
Human settlement planning and management
Permaculture education
Cultural and natural heritage
Disaster prevention and planning
Reducing the environmental impact of cities
Municipal waste management and recycling
Community parks, green and public spaces
Urban, peri-urban and rural linkages
Integrating Local, national and regional development planning
Sustainable Consumption and Production: SDG 12
10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production
Sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
Measuring one’s ecological footprint
Ending the depletion of our natural resource base
Reducing food waste and losses
Environmentally sound management of chemicals and wastes
Adoption of sustainable practices, assessment and reporting within business
Green Industry
Sustainable Business Centers and Green Business Networks
Green Business Media
Standards and Labeling
Green Chemistry
Creating a Cradle to Cradle Circular Economy
Zero Waste
Extended Producer Responsibility
EcoIndustrial Parks
Industrial Ecology
Blue Economy & Businesses
Government policies
Ecologically and socially responsible produced foods
Public procurement
Sustainable lifestyles and living in harmony with nature
Strengthening scientific and technological capacity
Investing in sustainable tourism
Promoting local culture and products
Removing unsustainable subsidies
Establishing eco-friendly tax policies
Incentives for transitioning to eco-friendly and sustainable practices
Combatting Climate Change: SDG 13
Strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters
Local, regional and national planning to address climate change
Education, awareness-raising and institutional capacity building on mitigation and adaptation
Investing in mitigation and adaptation to climate change
Sequestering carbon and drawing down greenhouse gases
Adopting an eco-friendly diet
Increasing energy efficiency
Adopting a climate friendly lifestyle
Supporting programmes to address climate change in the developing world
Oceans and Marine Resources: SDG 14
Ending marine pollution and nutrient run-off
Sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems
Mangrove protection and restoration
Ocean acidification
Regulating harvesting and end overfishing
Maintaining healthy fisheries
Conserving coastal and marine areas
Removing fisheries subsidies
Sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism
Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology
Providing access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets
Sea mining and energy installations
Ocean sonar
Protecting marine life and species
Coral bleaching
Impacts from and to inland areas
River dikes and siltation
Saltwater intrusion
BioDiversity and the Natural Environment: SDG 15
Wetlands and fresh water ecosystems
Illegal Logging
Combatting desertification
Restoring degraded soils and lands
Biodiversity loss and protecting threatened species
Combatting environmental pollution
Integrating ecosystem and biodiversity values in national and local development processes
Ecosystem health
Ecosystem Services
Conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems
Increase incentives and financial resources
Combat poaching and trafficking of protected species
Providing jobs in wildlife protection and management
Protecting Regional and Community Rights
Peaceful and inclusive societies and providing access to justice for all: SDG 16
Reduce all forms of violence and related death rates
End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and Child Abuse
Rule of law and equal access to justice
Reduce illicit financial and arms flows
Combat all forms of organized crime
Corruption and bribery
Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions
Participatory and representative decision-making
Public access to information
Build capacity to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime
Peace Education
NonViolent Conflict Resolution
Reducing armaments
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Nuclear weapons
Chemical weapons
Biological weapons
Drone strikes
Targeting of civilian populations
Child soldiers
International conflicts and threats to International Peace
Right to Protect
International Criminal Court
International Court of Justice
Global Environmental Pact
Means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development: SDG 17
Improve domestic capacity for tax and revenue collection
Official development assistance
Mobilize financial resources for developing countries
Assist developing countries with debt financing, relief and restructuring
Financing sustainable development
Green Bonds
Impact Investing
Support science, innovation, environmentally sound technologies, and knowledge sharing in developing countries
Support developing countries in implementing the SDGs
Increase the exports of developing countries
Global partnership for sustainable development
Multi-stakeholder and public, public-private and civil society partnerships
Statistical capacity-building and data collection in developing countries
Develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic product