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Site Under Construction
Welcome to Sustainably Wise. The basic prototype for this web portal is now being developed. We hope to have most of the main pages completed by June 1st, 2024 and will then begin to add more of the content. Please feel free to look around and see what it will contain or to contact us; and please come back again in six months or so and see what we have going on by then. 

Seeking Partners, Interns, & Volunteers

We are currently looking for potential partners, interns, and volunteers who would like to help develop and turn Sustainably Wise into the type of project and business that will contribute substantially to making the rapid transition to a fully sustainable world not only possible bur a full grown reality.


The basic work has been done to be able to write out and begin to implement the business plan and development strategy for Sustainably Wise. I have downloaded much of the information and materials needed to build out the website but now need to bring a together a solid team of people to be able to develop a rapidly expanding user base; turn Sustainably Wise into a most successful business; and launch the portal in a most effective and impactful manner.


We are seeking 1) interns to help us review the materials and to organize and post the most important articles and information in an interesting and easy to use manner; and 2) LLC business partners and/or other employees with particular professional skill sets. Initially, new partners or employees will need to work on a voluntary basis until we can raise sufficient seed capital to be able to pay ourselves. 


We looking for people with expertise in various aspects of business development, financial planning, organizational management, fundraising experience (such as impact investments, seed funding, corporate sponsorships, etc), or that have developed strong connections with organizational leaders within the sustainable and regenerative development movement. Please contact Rob Wheeler at for more details or to express an interest. 

Creating a World on the Web

that Works for All


Humanity is currently facing a myriad of urgent global challenges that are rapidly undermining our ability to live well and provide for all people's basic human needs on planet Earth. Almost nothing that we do is done today in a fully sustainable manner. This web portal has thus been designed and is being developed to collect and provide you, or really all of us, with the basic information we need to be able to fix this. 


According to the UN Secretary-General’s 2019 Progress Report, “It is abundantly clear that a much deeper, faster and more ambitious response is needed to unleash the social and economic transformation needed to achieve our 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The natural environment is deteriorating at an alarming rate: sea levels are rising; ocean acidification is accelerating; the last four years have been the warmest on record; one million plant and animal species are at risk of extinction, and land degradation continues unchecked.”

The World we create is Her Future

Let’s Make it Sustainable!!

Indeed more than 2 billion hectares of land (an area as large as South America) are already severely degraded. And the UN Food and Agriculture Organization projects that with current agricultural practices we will have destroyed most of our top soil within 60 years.
And yet we also know that organic farming is 2 - 4 times as productive as conventional agriculture in the developing world  (UNEP) and is much more resilient to climate change. Desertification can be reversed by restoring fragile environments. Biodiversity loss can significantly be reduced with ecosystem restoration. Water retention landscaping can bring life back into degraded ecosystems and repair both small and large scale natural water cycles. It is thus essential that we transition as rapidly as possible to a fully sustainable and regenerative future or world. 
Unfortunately, however, humanity is rapidly depleting our natural resource base all around the world; and we are facing rapidly expanding resource scarcity - whether it be a lack of water, scarce minerals, loss of forests, or depleted top soil. It is thus ...

Peoples Global
Action Campaign

The Peoples Global Action Campaign is designed to be the most ambitious effort ever - calling on all people to help transform our world and create a truly sustainable future for both humanity and for all other life on Earth. 


For many years now we have recognized that we already know how to solve most of our urgent global problems; and our governments have made commitments and reached agreements through various UN processes that if fully implemented would be enough to solve these local to global problems. Many of these agreements are described or featured in the Sustainably Wise Governance Center along with information about how they can best be implemented and how you can support this.


In 2015 the UN Member States agreed to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are widely viewed to be the most ambitious set of goals, targets and indicators that the UN has ever agreed to. If they are fully implemented it would dramatically improve the lives of billions of people and ensure the well-being of our common Earth home. 


Unfortunately, not a single one of our governments is on track nor is doing what would be needed (MORE) to achieve these goals according to the UN Secretary-General’s 2019 SDG Report. Thus we, the world’s people, must ensure that our governments do put in place the programs, funding and other means of implementation needed to be able to achieve these targets and goals in a most timely manner. 


Recognizing the continuing failure of both our governments and civil society to take adequate action, we at Sustainably Wise are launching this People’s Global Action Campaign. We plan to partner with a growing number of civil society organizations, businesses and governments, etc to identify and/or develop the most effective and beneficial programs and action initiatives that we can so that we can then encourage as many people as possible to join us in this advocacy effort and action campaign. 


Over the years a whole series of proposals and initiatives have been put forward at the global level that, if they were adopted and fully implemented, would also be sufficient for solving our primary and most urgent global problems. 


The Peoples Global Action Campaign is thus designed to build as much public awareness and support for these proposals and initiatives as possible, in a serious effort to get as many of them adopted and implemented as possible. We believe that once people understand that there are plenty of good proposals and that they could be fairly easily implemented and carried out, and with very little or no cost as compared to what we are doing now,  the global community or world’s people will insist that they be enacted. 


Click here for more information about the People’s Global Action Campaign and to find out how you can join in and support it. 




Rob Wheeler

CEO and Founder, Sustainably Wise

Our Four Centers
Our SDG Web Portal includes 4 Sections or Action & Resource Centers:


An ACTION HUB where every person, organization, community, educational institution, business, and government entity can develop and post their own strategy for helping to create a more sustainable world while reaching out to others that are doing similar things - thus sharing what they are offering and doing or asking for any help they need through the portal.


A LEARNING CENTER with only the most essential information needed to help each of us (again as either an individual, a business, a country or community, etc) to achieve our own strategies and goals, including an ecological footprint calculator, guidelines and toolkits, educational videos, and the best examples of what others have done already that can then be replicated, along with information about the international initiatives that are already underway.


A RESOURCE CENTER that includes any and everything (articles, videos, descriptions of best practices and success stories) that you or really anyone might want to know in order to help achieve the SDGs and meet your goals - organized according to the 17 SDGs and contributed largely by the users of the Portal.


A GOVERNANCE CENTER that lays out all of the commitments and agreements our governments have made; what our own governments have agreed to do; the progress that they have or have not made; and how we can help ensure that they fulfill them. 

Welcome Message
Welcome Friend and Compatriot,
Welcome to Sustainably Wise

We invite you to embark on a journey with us - together. A journey which we believe is likely the most important journey of our lifetime. A journey into a sustainable regenerative future. Contained within these pages is hopefully pretty much everything you will need to know to do your part and contribute to helping us make a rapid transition to full sustainability — because nothing less will do. Whether you are a business person; government representative, official, or staff; student; teacher, individual; committed community member; activist and/or civil society organizer there is something here for you. 
Actually not just something; but what is emerging is hopefully the most important information, initiatives and government commitments and actions that are already, and even more so need to be, implemented in order to transition to a truly sustainable and beneficent world. And if you know of something that is missing and that you think should be added, please let us know. 
The time to act is now. The evidence is clear. Various UN agencies and even the Secretary-General have issue...

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Top Stories for Creating a Sustainable World

Sustainably Wise is dedicated and designed to help and support all stakeholder groups in contributing effectively to the effort to transition as rapidly as possible to a fully sustainable world. With this in mind we have been collecting what we consider to be some of the most important stories that we think most people will find to be of interest and use in helping to make such a transition. But we cannot do it by ourselves. If you see or know of a story or article that you think most people around the world should or would like to know about please send it to us at with A Top Story included in the subject line. Please include the web address for the story as well. 


We hope that you find these articles to be intriguing, interesting or inspiring. You will find other such stories at the top of each of the sections in our Resource Centre as well. 


Rob Wheeler 

Founder & CEO, Sustainably Wise

Our Top Stories for transitioning to a sustainable world are listed under each of the Topic Areas shown below. You can click on each topic listed to go to that section of articles or just scroll down to browse through them all below. 












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